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#7 “How To Find God’s Calling in Our Life”.

Some roles are extremely demanding and stressful, and they impact my relationship with my family members. However, this is the kind of work that I find most interesting. I feel so conflicted and don't want to make the wrong decision.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Welcome to my blog series post entitled "Unveiling the Zeitgeist". This new 7-part series is about “How To Find God’s Calling in Our Life”. Many believers struggle with even believing that God has a specific purpose for their lives. Constantly in search of significance people second guess themselves whether they are in God’s calling or not. Wrong decisions and indecision haunt mental and spiritual life. This blog was produced with a friend who struggled with the same issues. What is God’s purpose for my life? My heart is that by reading this blog, many feel encouraged to search for their own God given calling. By discovering gaining valuable perspectives, I hope that they will take a leap in finding their purpose in life.

Some roles are extremely demanding and stressful, and they impact my relationship with my family members. However, this is the kind of work that I find most interesting. I feel so conflicted and don't want to make the wrong decision.

People tend to worry too much. Left unchecked, worrying can control our minds and even our lives. Let’s just state this clearly so that you don’t fall into the pit unknowingly. Worrying is counterproductive in our faith and professional lives. Worse still, “…whatever is not from faith is sin [whatever is done with doubt is sinful] Romans 14:23.

Investment banking is a stressful job and that is that. Stress is an indicator for many things, but you may be ignoring what is going on inside you at a much deeper level. Unidentified stress does bring out the ugly side in you that God wants to highlight anyway. What makes God happy? He is most pleased by the ones who are living by faith. The Lord is pleased with those who worship him and trust His love Psalms 147:11.

Set healthy boundaries, you can’t sustain a 7-day work week without paying a price for it. It is unrealistic and it even goes against God’s command of Shabbat, the day of rest. Setting boundaries is not only wise but also a healthy exercise. Working hard can be taken to extremes where not just yourself but also your loved ones suffer. Conversely, working within boundaries is beneficial in terms of work-life balance but also efficiency and productivity. That sort of workplace may not exist in our minds, but this is something for you to give over to God. Therefore, what is more important is that a calling must reflect the way you were designed. Whatever God calls you into has to be in sync with how God has gifted you with. This includes talents and past experiences. This includes the good and the bad experiences, and the hurts of your past life (Romans 8:28). Therefore, being called will mirror the who you are intrinsically. Even when dreams are buried, passions are forgotten, and talents are hidden under the weight of time. It is the Holy Spirit’s role to call out these hidden gems through constant stirrings and nudging to leave the safety of the familiar (Isaiah 26:3). Having passion, deep interest for a social cause, including people groups could be a form of indication of what God is leading you into. For example, you are deeply moved by a documentary on neglected people groups and you feel a stirring in your heart. This could be God’s unique way of speaking to you. Is that even biblical one may ask? The scripture reveals the following: God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others God's many kinds of blessings (1 Peter 4:10)”. I am not saying that you are always to follow the dreams from your childhood, but whatever God highlights to you, you should treat it as a data point, and through prayer, establish a complete picture for confirmation.

Imagine that you are being pulled towards a sport or the arts, but your mind tells you all the rational reasons why you shouldn’t pursue this in life. What are some of the possible signs? I used to daydream about my future, thinking about working in the finance field. One might say, how can a “daydream” be any indicator towards God’s calling in our life? Daydreams are born from deep within and are a reflection of what God has placed inside of us. They can be a strong indicator as we pray and ask God about their meaning and how they might be fulfilled.

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Why Unveiling the Zeitgeist?


Many years ago, I had a vivid dream where God spoke these words to me “Awaken My Remnant”. Since then, I waited patiently to do just that. Not knowing whom to awaken, I waited on God’s next instructions. Then I wrote my first book, “Pursued By The Maker” which was published by Highbridge Publication and sold worldwide. To this day, I pray for the remnant and their awakening, and I continue to write and share my thoughts in a blog post series entitled "Unveiling the Zeitgeist".


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