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#8 Hearing God's Voice in the Workplace.

Updated: Dec 28, 2021

#8 If you hear God's words, but it is difficult to implement them in the team, and everyone does not cooperate, what should you do?

"It does not promote strife between people but promotes a win-win situation. God voice convicts or inspires and has a redemptive nature".

Welcome to my blog post entitled "Unveiling the Zeitgeist". This new 10-part series reveals the secrete of “Hearing God’s Voice in the Workplace”. People spend an average of 90,000 hours (or a third) of their life working. Given that we sleep an average of 229,961 hours during our lifetime, the workplace takes a significant part of our life. In a modern, fast-paced, time-consuming, and technologically driven lifestyle, does God still speaks to His people, or has He become irrelevant and silent? The answer is that God always speaks! Matter of fact, God has never stopped speaking to His people since the foundation of the world has formed. Hearing God’s voice is not only enriching and meaningful to steer our life, but it is also an overlooked and unexplored secret accessible to everyone. So, let’s explore together!

#8 If you hear God's words, but it is difficult to implement them in the team, and everyone does not cooperate, what should you do?

God's word is truth. Truth is always a person. Truth promotes unity and peace. God's voice never contradicts the written word (bible) and is meant as loving encouragement. It does not promote strife between people but promotes a win-win situation. God's voice convicts or inspires and has a redemptive nature. This means if I download a thought, solutions tend to promote peace and even resolve existing work-related issues. Having said that, once you have heard God's voice over a situation, it is important to distinguish additional factors before releasing or acting on it. We also need to be mindful of the spiritual attack that goes ahead of God’s word achieving its intended purpose. Enemy preemptively strikes to intimidate us.

Other factors to be considered in releasing or acting out on God’s word.

· Prayer to confirm His promises

· Timing of release:

· Intention and motivation:

· Wisdom in navigating surrounding circumstances

· Skilled communication:

Let's pray together! Father God, sometimes I sense your word in my heart but I get the timing wrong. Likewise, it's even harder to bring the people to rally behind your cause. Give the wisdom to speak when I sense it is you but have the timing right. Before anything has the conviction only to be your instrument in releasing what the Holy Spirit wants to say. In Jesus name I pray.

Aaron H. Kim

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Why Unveiling the Zeitgeist?


Many years ago, I had a vivid dream where God spoke these words to me “Awaken My Remnant”. Since then, I waited patiently to do just that. Not knowing whom to awaken, I waited on God’s next instructions. Then I wrote my first book, “Pursued By The Maker” which was published by Highbridge Publication and sold worldwide. To this day, I pray for the remnant and their awakening, and I continue to write and share my thoughts in a blog post series entitled "Unveiling the Zeitgeist".


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