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Ten hard Questions by a Skeptic. #6

Welcome to my blog post entitled "Unveiling the Zeitgeist". Recently, I had the privilege to answer 10 questions from a friend about the nature of God and spirituality in general. I am sharing the ten-part Q&A with my friend's permission. I have titled this very first series "Ten hard questions by a Sceptic". I hope that this blog post series helps all the skeptics out there that wrestle with the existence of God in their minds and in their hearts. Friends, It's time to leave the fence!

Yes, the bible has been transcribed, translated, and written by fallen and broken people. Although the credibility of the author can be put to question as I mentioned before (broken etc.), when it comes to the source of inspiration, it goes straight to the Holy Spirit because God never works alone but He chooses to partner with His people no matter how messed up they are.

#6. The Bible, at the end of the day, is written by humans. It's transcribed by humans according to their interpretation of what God said. How do we know that's what God actually intended to say? As humans, we will naturally never really grasp what His intentions or ultimate goal are. How do we hang on to every word in the Bible in this case?

See my response above on Bible reading. God makes it noticeably clear what His ultimate goal is. Remember God is a “person”, not a “human person” but a “ divine person” in the full sense of having character traits and personality. Flawless, faithful, good, kind, and many other traits of God come to my mind. His end game is to restore a broken relationship with men. Obtaining righteousness can really be done only in two ways. First, one can fully comply with the law. That means all laws and not some laws only but all of them all the time. If one law is crossed, you have broken all of them which is impossible for anyone to comply with, and the bible tells us that. Second, one can receive God’s grace. Grace is unique, God provided a way out from having to comply with law-based righteousness. It’s relationship-driven and it’s a gift that cannot be earned. The definition of grace is unmerited favor to His sons and daughter if we accept that the ultimate sacrifice was made by no other than God in the form of man, Jesus the Messiah (Christ) who is God’s only begotten Son, the second person of Trinity. Fully God and fully human.

Yes, the bible has been transcribed, translated, and written by fallen and broken people. Although the credibility of the author can be put to question as I mentioned before (broken etc.), when it comes to the source of inspiration, it goes straight to the Holy Spirit because God never works alone but He chooses to partner with His people no matter how messed up they are. “According to 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Since the bible is God-breathed, God inspired the authors to communicate God’s words for us clearly. There are minor transcribing errors in the bible but such errors point to the authenticity of the Bible is breathed by God, not a clever scheme/words of men.”Because God honors them for one and on the other hand God reveals himself that way far more than working directly or interfering in the lives of men.

I suggest praying and asking God to guide you and reveal the scripture to you so that scripture begins to reveal not only God, but it may also begin to make “spiritual sense” to you. What’s fair is to read the scripture before we judge it. I used to do that but the effect of reading the bible is powerful.

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Why Unveiling the Zeitgeist?


Many years ago, I had a vivid dream where God spoke these words to me “Awaken My Remnant”. Since then, I waited patiently to do just that. Not knowing whom to awaken, I waited on God’s next instructions. Then I wrote my first book, “Pursued By The Maker” which was published by Highbridge Publication and sold worldwide. To this day, I pray for the remnant and their awakening, and I continue to write and share my thoughts in a blog post series entitled "Unveiling the Zeitgeist".


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